This is a string of text that describes the type of image you want. MidJourney allows you to use a written prompt to guide the creation of your wallpaper. Tip: For a device like a tablet, which is used in both landscape and portrait modes, it’s better to use its landscape aspect ratio as your basis, since in portrait mode it will simply crop the sides and usually center the subject of the image. If you know the pixel count or even just the dimensions of your devices, you can also use one of several online aspect ratio calculators to figure out what you’re working with.
RELATED: How to Make Custom iPhone Wallpapers (No App Required) To be certain, you can check your device’s aspect ratio under its display settings or do a quick search online. However, there are also ultrawide monitors which have an aspect ratio of 21:9.

Typically, smartphones use an aspect ratio of 9:16, tablets 4:3, and most monitors 16:9. RELATED: How to Search for Cool Wallpapers Online In MidJourney, you can specify the aspect ratio by adding “–ar” followed by your desired ratio, like “–ar 16:9” to your prompt. That’s because if the aspect ratio of your wallpaper doesn’t match that of your device’s display, it could be stretched, squished, or cropped, leading to an unsightly result. It’s fundamental to understand this before creating your wallpapers. Your wallpaper’s aspect ratio is the ratio of its width to its height.